Useful links

If you need any extra guidance, you can find more information about pensions and pension-related services on the following websites:

Search the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) register to find out whether a firm, individual or body you plan to do business with is authorised.

Check for known scams with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Track down lost pension benefits.

Get information about the new State Pension.

Find out how much State Pension you could get (your State Pension forecast), when you can get it and how you may be able to increase it.

Find information about tax allowances, codes and refunds, inheritance tax and National Insurance.

MoneyHelper from the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) brings together the support and services of three government-backed financial guidance providers: Money Advice Service, ThePensions Advisory Service and Pension Wise.

It offers free support on a wide range of financial matters, online and over the phone. This covers a variety of pension topics, including:

  • Auto enrolment
  • Building your retirement pot
  • Pension problems
  • Pension basics
  • State Pension
  • Taking your pension
  • Tax and pensions
  • Pensions and retirement

For more information visit

A free, fair and impartial service with the legal power to settle complaints and disputes.

Find independent financial advisers in your area for guidance on your retirement planning.<

The latest updates from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

The Nuclear Industry Benevolent Fund is a Registered Charity supporting those working or who have worked in the UK Nuclear Industry and their dependants through the provision of support, signposting and financial assistance. If you are experiencing financial hardship/distress and would like to find out if the Fund can help you, please contact them.

Do you need answers?

If you have questions about your pension, you might find the answers you’re looking for on our FAQs page.