Pension benefits for members in the SLC CARE arrangement

On the 1st April 2024, the SLC section of the Magnox Group was reformed to a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) benefit.

From this date, active members (those current employees who are paying into and building benefits up in the scheme) will start to build up pension benefits on a CARE basis. The pension benefits you have built up before that date are unaffected and remain final salary benefits and you retain a final salary link to those benefits.

If you left the scheme or retired before 31st March 2024 you are not affected by this change.

You can fund further information in your member booklet and the factors guide below. 

If you have any questions please contact Railpen.



Find out about the death benefits your loved ones may be entitled to - and how to say where you'd like them to be paid.

Boost your benefits

If you’re currently paying into the Scheme, you could join an additional voluntary contribution (AVC) arrangement to help save more towards your retirement.