News updates

Pensions are constantly evolving and there may be changes that affect your membership, so it’s important to keep up to date with what’s happening.

07 Dec 2021

Your latest newsletters are now available online

In these new issues, you can find out more about how our careful and considerate approach when it comes to funding has continued to stand up well to the challenges we've faced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The newsletters cover the following topics:

  • Annual Report and Accounts
  • Summary Funding Statement
  • Picturing your retirement
  • Your Trustees
  • Protecting your pension savings from scammers

The newsletters will be posted to you soon and should reach you in time for the Christmas break.

In the meantime, you can read the newsletter by clicking the following links:

  • SLC (Site Licence Company) Section 
  • Atkins Section
  • Cavendish Nuclear Section
  • NNL Section